Review of SKYLIGHT on Sound
In SOUND & RECORDING 03/2013 we reported about the German composer Kim Planert, who moved to LA, to show his skills in top US TV productions, some of which are also in broadcast Germany and enjoy great popularity (such as Castle).
Meanwhile, Kim has set up his own studio in his home in the Malibu Hills and written, recorded and mixed his first solo album Skylight. With this album, Kim has managed to put his flair for movie-worthy scores and his love for parachuting into 10 exciting songs - not only instrumental, as usual in scores, but also with vocals by Lisbeth Scott. He has played almost all instruments himself, as well as keyboards, live guitars and drums! He only had the strings recorded by an ensemble.
His merciless professionalism is heard in every second of every song. The song structures are reminiscent of music that you normally only hear in the cinema, and yet they are songs and not just "just" soundscapes. If you want, you can just relax while listening, but it's just as much fun to keep track of the details and skillful sound changes. "It's an epic and at times ambient and spiritual hybrid sound, mixing orchestra with synthesizer and bridging the gap between song and film music." Kim successfully created this mix of film music and song.
Skylight is available since March 8, 2019 on all known download and streaming portals. - by Thomas Adam